SMT Case Studies Print E-mail


Surgeon General Suicide Prevention SMT – September, 2012

Strauss Media Strategies, Inc. developed a national three-hour satellite media tour (SMT) with United States Surgeon General Regina M. Benjamin to discuss the new national suicide prevention strategy. The National Strategy for Suicide Prevention encompasses community-based approaches to curbing the incidence of suicide, details new ways to identify people at risk for suicide, and outlines national priorities for suicide prevention.


In order to disseminate more information to the public about this strategy, Strauss Media Strategies, Inc. booked a total of 20 television interviews, including NBC Nightly News, Fox News Edge, and First Business.


Television interviews were conducted by five national television news networks and an additional 15 local television stations, making up the total of 20 completed interviews. Of the local stations, interviews were conducted in New York, Philadelphia, Dallas, Boston, Washington, DC, Houston, as well as many additional top local cities.

All told, the television interviews were seen by at least 9,549,783 viewers throughout the country. If one were to pay for equivalent advertising time, it would have cost a total of $478,754. In other words, this television satellite media tour reached over nine and a half million viewers and the advertising equivalency value of this project was over $470,000. Additionally, and as an added value, we were able to place the content online on all 20 television stations that did interviews.


No Labels

“state of the union” – January, 2016

On behalf the No Labels team, Strauss Media Strategies, Inc. developed a comprehensive television outreach effort in the form of a one-camera on-site satellite media tour (SMT) to highlight the No Labels State of the Union messaging event on Wednesday, January 13, 2016. Strauss Media Strategies booked television interviews for a variety of No Labels Congressional Problem Solvers including Representative Jim Cooper, Representative Bob Dold, Representative John Katko, Representative Dave Loebsack, and Representative Kurt Schrader, among others.

For this project, Strauss Media Strategies booked 24 television satellite interviews, all of which were completed utilizing a total of 18 different spokespeople. Of the 24 completed television interviews, 12 were done LIVE, 10 were taped, and two were done as phone interviews with local television stations nationwide.

Twenty-one interviews were booked with local outlets in the members’ congressional districts, one interview was booked with a regional network that covered the congressman’s district, and two national interviews were booked with feeder service Fox News Edge, which has 200 affiliates across the country.

Based on preliminary Nielson numbers, the completed television interviews reached at least 24 television outlets with a combined audience of 526,974. In other words, this very successful satellite media tour reached more than half a million viewers.

Partnership for a Healthier America


The Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA), which works with Honorary Chair First Lady Michelle Obama, held its second annual Building a Healthier Future Summit in Washington, DC from Thursday, March 7, 2013 to Friday, March 8, 2013. The Building a Healthier Future Summit, brings together 1,000 philanthropic, government, academic, and private sector leaders to discuss real solutions to ending America’s childhood obesity crisis.


For this campaign, Strauss Media Strategies set up a total of 18 television interviews and 16 radio interviews. Interviews were done with PHA Vice-chairs Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, NJ, and Former Senate Majority Leader, Dr. Bill Frist, and also PHA President and CEO Larry Soler, and PHA Board Chair Dr. James Gavin.


Television interviews were done with four national networks and the remaining interviews were done with local television stations, all in the top 20 markets. Some of these markets included New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia. Radio interviews were done with four national networks, in addition to top local market stations including San Francisco, Dallas, Atlanta, and Phoenix.


When the total radio and television audiences are combined, this project reached a total audience of 2,932,727. The equivalent advertising value for these interviews was approximately $465,664. Additionally, six television outlets posted the interview and/or information about the interview on their respective website.


Strauss Media Strategies, Inc.
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Armando Diaz

Public Affairs Specialist, GED Testing Service
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