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Strauss Media Strategies, Inc. conducts successful radio and television outreach for thousands of clients

Our clients include other PR Firms, corporations of all sizes, non-profits, associations, government agencies, political campaigns, and authors. We apply our extensive knowledge and expertise in radio and television broadcast outreach to virtually any reputable organization to achieve high-level and effective radio and television outreach campaigns.

We would be glad to discuss how Strauss Media Strategies can get your message directly to your targeted audience!

Strauss Media Strategies, Inc.
National Press Building
529 14th Street, NW, Suite 1163
Washington, DC 20045
[P] (202) 638-0200
[F] (202) 638-0400
[E] info@straussmedia.com
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Dorothy Greenwald

Manager, APCO Worldwide
"Working with Strauss has always been a pleasure and most importantly, they’ve delivered great results."
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